Foreign Trade Statistics


Collection and compilation of foreign trade statistics is a core activity of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. The BBS has been compiling statistics of exports and imports since 1973-74 and publishing monthly and annual data in various publications of the BBS. Foreign trade statistics have multiple uses. Besides compilation of national accounts estimation these statistics are also used in the compilation of the Rest of the World (ROW) accounts as well as for compiling Balance of Payments (BOP) statistics.

Collection and compilation of foreign trade statistics is a core activity of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. The BBS has been compiling statistics of exports and imports since 1973-74 and publishing monthly and annual data in various publications of the BBS. Foreign trade statistics have multiple uses. Besides compilation of national accounts estimation these statistics are also used in the compilation of the Rest of the World (ROW) accounts as well as for compiling Balance of Payments (BOP) statistics. Because of the voluminous nature of the Report we have published this Report in three volumes. Volume-I contains Export Tables ,while Volumes-Il and III consist of the Import Tables. In order to compile this Report the NBR provided information in the floppy diskettes and other available trade documents (bills of entry) from various custom stations in order to ensure complete coverage of imports. Information on exports has been based on shipping bills and about one hundred thousand such documents are being coded and edited and electronically processed each year. This publication contains 5 tables on exports and 5 tables on imports. We hope this publication will be able to meet most of the users' needs. Some errors may have crept into the processed data due to the speed at which the data had to be processed in the interests of adhering to a timely schedule.